
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020

contoh curriculum vitae (Daftar riwayat hidup)

  A Curriculum Vitae ( also known as a CV) is a written description of a person experience and qualifications. It is generally used for job opportunities or academia. In most industries the CV is the first element for candidate screening, generally followed by an interview example :  CURRICULUM VITAE Daftar Riwayat Hidup Full Name : Florentina Putri Nick name : Putri Sex / Gender : Female / male Place, Date of Birth : Probolinggo, August 5 th , 1979 Nationality : Indonesia /   japan / malaysia Marital Status : Married / single / widower/ widow Height, Weight : 165 cm, 53 kg Health : Perfect Religion : Moslem / Christian Address : Perum Bojong Depok Baru 1, Blok ZT No.3, Cibinong 16913 Mobile : 0817 9854 203 Phone : 021 - 87903802 E-mail : Hobby : travelling Educational Background 1984 – 1985     : Kindergarten   of Bhayangkari IX, Purwokerto 1985 – 1991      : Gajahmada Element...


OFFERING THINGS/ SERVICE :  means to give something either things or service like help to someone. The expressions of offerings can be happened in a hotel, bookstore, restaurant, office, school, airport, trains stations and any public places. ( Menawarkan berarti memberikan sesuatu baik berupa barang maupun jasa seperti bantuan kepada seseorang. Ungkapan sesaji dapat terjadi di hotel, toko buku, restoran, kantor, sekolah, bandara, stasiun kereta api dan tempat umum lainnya) EKSPRESI YANG DI PAKAI :  1. Offering Help ( MENAWARKAN  BANTUAN )  What can I do for you? ( APA YANG BISA SAYA LAKUKAN BUAT KAMU ) Can I help you?  ( BISA KAH SAYA MEMBANTUMU ) Can I offer you some help? ( BISAKAH SAYA MENAWARKAN BANTUAN )  Can I give you a hand with... Can I assist you with... May I help you? Would like some help? Would you like me to...? maukah kamu ,  untuk saya ....) Would you care for...? Do yo need some help?  ( apakah kamu butuh bantuan )  Do you...

contoh presentasi / example of presentation XII

  Text   of Presentation   “ Assalamualaikum Wr, Wb.” Good morning, everyone. My name is   Fitri Yulis Setiyorini and I’m a student    class XII my mayor   is   Computer and Network Engineering 3   at Vocational High School of W iworotomo   . Today, I’d like to talk to you about my Prakerin / learning practice   and hopefully, this will act as a springboard for discussion. I plan to speak for about 10 minutes, and my talk will be divided into 3 sections; the first is INTRODUCTION And second, we’ll TALK  about MY ACTIVITIES. Finally, I will explain CONCLUSION. I’d sure be glad to answer any questions at the end of my presentation, so please hold your questions if you have any.”   SECOND, LETS TALK ABOUT MY PRAKERIN I HAVE PRAKERIN IN   Technocom Pratama, I have passed 3 months for Prakerin. The owner put me in all sections, that’s why I could learn in every part. By doing this Prakerin, I coul...

contoh invitation (Invitation letter , XI)

  What is an invitation? An  invitation  is a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something.  An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event. Example 1 : example 2  : Example 3 : Format / generic structure  Informal invitation  :   1.     Name of the host 2.     Standard expression (E.g., request the pleasure of your company, solicit your gracious presence) 3.     Purpose of the invitation 4.     Name of the honouree 5.     Day, date and time of the event- Dates must be written in letters and you should not use abbreviation. 6.     Name of the place, location with complete address- Enter the address, the venue of the party or event 7.     RSVP (Respond if it pleases you)- Include an RSVP - th...